instauto.api package

instauto.api.client module

class instauto.api.client.ApiClient(ig_profile: Optional[IGProfile] = None, device_profile: Optional[DeviceProfile] = None, state: Optional[State] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, session_cookies: Optional[dict] = None, testing=False, _2fa_function: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None)

Bases: ProfileMixin, AuthenticationMixin, PostMixin, RequestMixin, FriendshipsMixin, SearchMixin, ChallengeMixin, DirectMixin, HelperMixin, FeedMixin, ActivityMixin

bc_hmac = <hmac.HMAC object>
breadcrumb_private_key = b'iN4$aGr0m'
device_profile: DeviceProfile
classmethod from_json(j: Union[str, bytes]) ApiClient
ig_profile: IGProfile
classmethod initiate_from_file(file_name: str) ApiClient
save_to_disk(file_name: str, overwrite: bool = False) bool
state: State
to_json() str

instauto.api.constants module

instauto.api.constants.DEFAULT_SIGNATURE_KEY = '19ce5f445dbfd9d29c59dc2a78c616a7fc090a8e018b9267bc4240a30244c53b'

Can change overtime, but it’s pretty easy to extract, see:

instauto.api.exceptions module

exception instauto.api.exceptions.AuthorizationError

Bases: Exception

Raised when you try to get an object you’re not authorized to get

exception instauto.api.exceptions.BadResponse

Bases: Exception

Raised when Instagram returns a non-ok status code.

exception instauto.api.exceptions.CorruptedSaveData

Bases: Exception

Raised when the save data can’t be read

exception instauto.api.exceptions.IncorrectLoginDetails

Bases: Exception

Raised when the provided loging details are incorrect.

exception instauto.api.exceptions.InvalidUserId

Bases: Exception

Raised when an invalid user id is provided

exception instauto.api.exceptions.MissingValue

Bases: Exception

Raised when an action struct is initiated with a missing value

exception instauto.api.exceptions.NoAuthDetailsProvided

Bases: Exception

Raised when the login details are not provided, but the client needs them

exception instauto.api.exceptions.NotFoundError

Bases: Exception

Raised when an entity is not found.

exception instauto.api.exceptions.StateExpired

Bases: Exception

Raised when saved settings are provided, but not valid anymore

instauto.api.structs module

class instauto.api.structs.ChallengeChoice(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

email = 1
phone = 0
class instauto.api.structs.DeviceProfile(manufacturer: Optional[str] = None, android_sdk_version: Optional[str] = None, android_release: Optional[str] = None, device: Optional[str] = None, model: Optional[str] = None, dpi: Optional[int] = None, resolution: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, chipset: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Holds all data about the android ‘phone’ that we simulate using.


The phone manufacturer




The Android sdk version that is, presumably, used by the Instagram app.




The version of Android that the phone runs on.




The version name of the phone




The codename from Samsung under which the phone was build, i.e. for the Galaxy S10E, beyond1.




The DPI of the phone used.




The resolution of the phone.


tuple[int, int],


The chipset that the phone runs on.

class instauto.api.structs.IGProfile(signature_key: Optional[str] = None, signature_key_version: Optional[str] = None, http_engine: Optional[str] = None, capabilities: Optional[str] = None, id: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, build_number: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Holds all data that is generated by Instagram. For pretty much every request, at least one of the attributes is used.


Key generated by Instagram to sign post requests. Can be extracted from the app. Currently, the actual signature key is no longer used for signing actual requests.




The version of the signature key. This key is still sent along with signed requests. Could probably work without. TODO: check if we still need to send this along with signed requests / if we have to use the signed

request format at all




Facebook uses a custom HTTP engine, called Liger. This is unlikely to change.




Not sure what this means on Instagram’s side, but it needs to get sent along with all requests. Can change overtime. Can be extracted from all requests to the ‘logging_client_events’ endpoint.




The app id, presumably a constant.




The version number of the version of instagram to use.




The build number associated with the version number



class instauto.api.structs.Inbox(threads: List[instauto.api.structs.Thread], has_older: bool, unseen_count: int, unseen_count_ts: int, oldest_cursor: str, prev_cursor: dict, next_cursor: dict, blended_inbox_enabled: bool, seq_id: int, snapshot_at_ms: int, pending_requests_total: int, has_pending_top_requests: bool)

Bases: object

blended_inbox_enabled: bool

True if blended inboox is available, else False

has_older: bool

True if there are older threads available, else False

has_pending_top_requests: bool

True if inbox has pending top requests else False

next_cursor: dict

ID of the next cursor

oldest_cursor: str

ID of the oldest cursor

pending_requests_total: int

Count of pending message requests.

prev_cursor: dict

ID of the previous cursor

seq_id: int

Sequence identifier. Used by Instagram to track which messages have been received.

snapshot_at_ms: int

Timestamp of when this snapshot of the inbox was taken

threads: List[Thread]

a list that contains all your threads(chats)

unseen_count: int

The amount of threads with unseen threads

unseen_count_ts: int

Timestamp of the last check for unseen threads

class instauto.api.structs.LoggedInAccountData(account_type: Optional[int] = None, account_badges: Optional[list] = None, allow_contacts_sync: Optional[bool] = None, allowed_commenter_type: Optional[str] = None, can_boost_post: Optional[bool] = None, can_see_organic_insights: Optional[bool] = None, can_see_primary_country_in_settings: Optional[bool] = None, full_name: Optional[str] = None, has_anonymous_profile_picture: Optional[bool] = None, has_placed_orders: Optional[bool] = None, interop_messaging_user_fbid: Optional[int] = None, is_business: Optional[bool] = None, is_call_to_action_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, nametag: Optional[dict] = None, phone_number: Optional[str] = None, pk: Optional[int] = None, professional_conversion_suggested_account_type: Optional[int] = None, profile_pic_id: Optional[str] = None, profile_pic_url: Optional[str] = None, show_insights_terms: Optional[bool] = None, total_igtv_videos: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, is_private: Optional[bool] = None, is_verified: Optional[bool] = None, reel_auto_archive: Optional[str] = None, is_using_unified_inbox_for_direct: Optional[bool] = None, can_hide_category: Optional[str] = None, can_hide_public_contacts: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Structure that stores information about the Instagram account

class instauto.api.structs.Method(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

GET = 1
POST = 2
class instauto.api.structs.PostLocation(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

Feed = 4

Post to feed

Null = 0

Post without configuring

Story = 3

Post to story

class instauto.api.structs.State(app_startup_country: Optional[str] = None, device_locale: Optional[str] = None, app_locale: Optional[str] = None, bandwidth_totalbytes_b: Optional[str] = None, bandwidth_totaltime_ms: Optional[str] = None, connection_type: Optional[str] = None, accept_language: Optional[str] = None, accept_encoding: Optional[str] = None, accept: Optional[str] = None, ads_opt_out: Optional[bool] = None, authorization: Optional[str] = None, www_claim: Optional[str] = None, rur: Optional[str] = None, bloks_version_id: Optional[str] = None, bloks_is_layout_rtl: Optional[str] = None, battery_level: Optional[int] = None, is_charging: Optional[int] = None, is_dark_mode: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Structure that holds a lot of data about the state of a session. It contains mainly header values that need to be send along with requests to the API.


Some sort of tracking / identifying header value that is send along with every HTTP request. It is also updated in almost all responses received from Instagram’s API.




Contains the token used for Bearer authentication.




Another tracking / identifying header value. Is also sent along with all requests. Is also updated in every response.




Gets filled as soon as you login. Contains a lot of data about your account.



property android_id

Creates an Android id from the device id.

property bandwidth_speed_kbps

Randomizes the bandwidth speed

property connection_speed: str

Randomizes the connection speed.

fill(f: Callable) None

Fills the State with initial values.

Initializes all variables that:
  1. do not have a default value to start with;

  2. need a unique generated key on a per-user basis


f (function) – The function that generates the unique keys used throughout.

refresh(f: Callable)

Refresh the state. Simulates a re-open of the Instagram app.

property startup_country: str
property valid: bool

Sessions older then 90 days will not work anymore.

class instauto.api.structs.Surface(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

follow_list = 'follow_list_page'
follow_requests = 'follow_requests'
following_list = 'self_unified_follow_lists'
profile = 'following_sheet'
class instauto.api.structs.Thread(thread_id: str, thread_v2_id: str, users: List[dict], left_users: List[dict], admin_user_ids: List[dict], items: List[dict], properties: dict)

Bases: object

admin_user_ids: List[dict]

users that are admins in the thread

items: List[dict]

a list of all messages sent in the thread

left_users: List[dict]

users that have left the thread

properties: dict

all other properties

thread_id: str
thread_v2_id: str
users: List[dict]
class instauto.api.structs.WhichGender(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

female = 2
male = 1
other = 4
prefer_not_to_say = 3